GnkEnglish News Desk
14 August 2022
ISPELL ardently and devotedly celebrated 75th Independence Day
With immense fervor, splendor and a feel of patriotism Indian Society for the Promotion of English Language and Literature (iSPELL India) ardently and devotedly celebrated 75th Independence Day in its 101th Sunday Sahityik Satsang. Esteemed poets from whole over India took participation in the celebration named ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav with Rhetoric and Rhyme’ at iSPELL platform with their impassioned renditions.

At the inception, as Event Coordinator and moderator, Dr. Shalini Yadav, Professor of English, Compucom Institute of Technology and Management, Jaipur, Rajasthan warmly welcomed august gathering of skilled poets and academicians. Further she presented a gestalt of iSPELL activities and its successful completion of 100 Sahityik Satsang and introduced the eminent poets one by one.

Revered poets Prasanna Kkumar, Anita Gehlot, Sai Prakash, Nasreen Hamza Ali, Dr. Satish C Srivastava, Pankhuri Sinha, Misna Chanu, Dr. Firoz Khan, Dr Molly Joseph, Dr. Janatha Ramanathan, Upma Pareek, and Bachewal Srinivas recited their wonderful poems creating an aura full of optimism and nationalism.

Advancing the session, Prof. Ghanshyam, Founder and General Secretary, iSPELL India and Professor of English, Directorate of Higher Education, Raipur, Chhattisgarh gave his exclusive remarks on the session and honored the guest poets with certificates as a gesture of appreciation and thankfulness for dignifying the occasion with their presence and treasured poetry.

At the end, Dr. Shalini articulated the lexis of gratefulness towards the guest poets and prominent congregation of literarians for giving their valuable to attend the celebration. She further offered heartfelt thanks towards Mr. Pramod Dhengle, IT Coordinator, iSPELL India and Assistant Professor of English, Dr. T. K Tope College, Mumbai, Maharashtra for all the technical support and for the successful run of the show at zoom and YouTube.

With zeal to serve the country for its advancement, the splendid poetic carnival of Independence Day got over with a promise for more productive programmes in future.