GNK ENGLISH April 19, 2024
Book Review of “Bargh-e-Zarin” by Maqbool Ferozi….
The valley of Kashmir is famous for it’s enchanting beauty, mesmerizing climate and also for being the abode of Reshi’s and Sufis. Besides this it has given birth to a number of world renowned scholars and litterateurs of global reputation. Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri, Sheikh Yaqub Sarfi, Baba Dawood Khakhi, Gani Kashmiri, Peerzada Ghulam Ahmad Mehjoor etc are some of the legendary scholastic figures valley has given birth to. Through literary perspective too, the soil of valley is very fertile. Poets, authors, critics and researchers of valley have been successful in gaining popularity and reputation both with in country and the globe. Among these few noted writers, Maqbool Ferozi is a prominent name who has expertise on Islamic Mysticism and has authored many books related to Sufism. Hailing from Ferozpora Rafiabad area of Baramulla district, Mohd Maqbool Dar alias Maqbool Ferozi is a retired Civil Services officer. He has pursued his postgraduation in Persian through Kashmir University and later went to Iran to study M.Phill there. He writes regularly articles and essays on varied subjects like History, Sufism, Social and cultural aspects of society and mostly post them on popular social networking site Facebook. His articles and essays are widely hailed by a good readership who encourage him to move forward and continue writing good stuff for them. Till date he has written hundreds of such articles and essays and finally compiled them into a collection. This collection of 129 articles “Bargi Zarin” is published by GNK publications Kashmir. It is spread over 348 pages of superior paper quality. It’s cover page is beautifully designed. Maqbool Ferozi writes in comprehensive Urdu words which has both glorified this masterpiece as well as help readers to understand the message which author aims to share. On 23-10-2023 this collection was released in a grand literary function in the auditorium of Govt HSS Baramulla in which noted writers and poets of valley participated. Dedicating this book to his parents Maqbool is of the view that everyhing can be bought from the market except the mother’s immortal love. In it’s foreword (p11), author says that in today’s high-tech world, it is much easier to communicate with the people living in far-apart continents thus transforming the whole world into a single village. The digital technology help us in extensive research and sharing our ideas and thoughts with the world. I have shared my thoughts on Facebook and acting upon the advice of my friends and dear ones, finally decided to make it a collection. Khamoshi Guftagu hai (p13) is the opening essay of this book. Through easier Urdu, author has highlighted the benifits and blessings of silence. He has quoted couple of Persian and Urdu couplets to prove his statement. Ilm ki ibtida hai hungama,
Ilm ki intiha hai khamoshi.
Islam aur kashmir (p23), it is a known fact that Islam spread here largely due to noble efforts of Bulbul Shah and Mir Syed Ali Hamadani ra. But when we analyse different historical books especially the one written by Kalhana the Raj Tarangni it comes to fore that Islam had dug it’s roots much earlier during 8th and 9th century. Sultan Mahmud Gori attacked thrice here to convert non-Muslims to Islam and those who denied were killed. Once he offered the Zuhar prayer in famous temple on Suliman hill at Srinagar. Traders, soldiers and tourists have played a pivotal role in spreading the noble teachings of Islam in Kashmir. Muslim Asti Dil ba aqlimi muband (p 29), Maqbool Ferozi has quoted a number of Dr Iqbal’s Urdu and Persian couplets in which he reiterates that instead of loving this mortal materialistic world we must be anxious about the better rewards in hereafter. He just translates the Quranic message in his poetry. Maazi ke moukhe se (p37), Maqbool Ferozi writes about his past golden days of Iran when he would study there at Tehran University during 1972-80. He was selected a couple of times there to recieve the empress for the inauguration of new semesters of his research program. During Nowroz he along with other students was given an opportunity of all Iran free tour. Employees there were given an additional salary on the eve of Nowroz and even class 4th sweepers would come in their own private cars. Such was the economic condition of Iran. The only thing which displeased him there, was their negligence of religious duties and unbridled wine trade. About divine knowledge and Sufi mystics, Maqbool Ferozi has written a detailed piece “ilm ludini aur khirkaposhi” (p456), in which he has quoted few couplets of Dr Iqbal depicting the virtues and qualities a mystic possesses along with the divine knowledge. It isn’t gained through a traditional physical source rather God bestows his own friends by this knowledge as a result they show some miraculous events. According to him light of the eyes it’s sufficient, rather one has to unblind his heart to get acquainted about Mysticism. Suhbati Soleh (p51), this one focuses on the company one should adopt to reap the benefits of a good company. Moulana Rumi and Dr Iqbal both have strongly recommend for a pious and virtuous company. Infact one is known by the company of his friends. Thus he must prefer the company of good and God fearing people only. Suhbate Soleh tura Soleh kunad, suhbate toleh tura toleh kunad. Yadi Mazi (p74)- when Maqbool Ferozi was pursuing his P.hD at Tehran University in 1977 and once he intended to return back home via Pishawar Rawalpindi to meet his uncle there. Suddenly a calamity struck the plane and it was about to crash when something wrong happened in it’s machinery. All the passengers on board were hapless and were certain to die within seconds. He too had lost his all hopes. A Srilankan passenger was repeatedly requesting him for the prayers. This melancholy lasted for about ten minutes and the mishap was averted only after the pilot announced “Attention please We were in danger, thank God everything is OK now”. Pir Rumi murshid Roshan zamir (p79), Moulana Rumi is really the name of a multidisciplinary and multidimensional personality who has moulded the minds of millions of people through his poetry, writings and sermons. He is one of the great spritual guides who has mentored thousands of people who have attained spritual glory. Dr Iqbal like philosopher too considers him as his spritual mentor. While going through the poetry of Dr Iqbal, Falcon or Shaheen is mentioned frequently. Actually he has found it in poetry of Khushal Khan Khatak a Pustu poet. He hasn’t marely mentioned it in view of it’s lengthy and high altitude flights rather Falcon is altogether different from other birds who possesses some virtues and qualities of a pure Muslim. So Iqbal chose him to address the young generation( Kalami Iqbal main Shaheen ka tasawur (p100). Qaabli meeras padar (p117), Maqbool Ferozi again cities Dr Iqbal in this brief essay. He says a son doesn’t deserves the share of his father’s property when he is completely unaquainted about the later’s legacy. He encourages learning other languages of the globe but at the same time we mustn’t ignore our own mother-tongue. This is our identity, cultural legacy and the langauge of our ancestors. Waldain ke sath husni salook (p159), glorious Quran and Hadith of the prophet frequently stress on the obedience of the Allah, Prophet saw and one’s parents. Besides prophet saw, the God fearing saints too have strongly recommended to obey one’s parents. Infact there is no room for the disobedience of the parents by their children. so utmost care must be taken to obey parents. Dost aur dosti ki kahani (p176) is so beautifully written that through this easily understandable piece even an ordinary person can realise the value and stature of God fearing saints. Hub, muhabbat ya Ishq (p190) is written adorably by Maqbool Ferozi. Quotes of Imam Gazali, couplets of Iqbal and some Quranic verses help every reader to grasp the basic idea of Ishq and mohabbat. Hathi ke danth khane ke aur aur dikhane ke aur (p196) is a direct attack to contemporary preachers who don’t act upon what they preach on the mosque pulpits. It is better not to listen the preachers who aren’t practical. Hote Jo musalman bi ek (p 207) is so artistically woven and Dr Iqbal’s poetic couplets stressing for a unity among the Muslims of the globe is worth to ponder over. About rising Israel-Palastine conflict Maqbool Ferozi has cited decades old example of uncertainty in the middle East. Har dam Jawan hai zindagi (p227) is a rectifying one which clears some doubts and suspicion in the minds of those thinking about death to be the last destiny of human lives. Rather Ferozi sahib makes one comprehend the ultimate truth and reality about the hareafter wherein we would be questioned about our doings in this world. Wahdatul wajood aur wahdatul shahood (p257), is the most debated topic of mystic scholars of the globe. Maqbool Ferozi has also tried to make a comprehensive distinction between the two thoughts one created by Ibni Arabi and the other one by Sheikh Ahmad Sarhandi ra. Sakooni qalab (p276)- there is no denying in the fact that due to advancement of science and technology we have moved much ahead in every aspect of human life but alas today’s scientists are busy in inventing destructive and catastrophic weapons only to snatch peace and tranquility among the inhabitants of the planet. This advancement is of no value when man himself has become the enemy of another man. Auliai Kiram (p308) – in sacred verses of glorious Quran, Hadith of the prophet saw and sayings of the noted Islamic scholars we find the mention of the great friends of Allah. What their stature is and what qualities they are bestowed upon etc. In this brief essay also we find the quotes of Moulana Rumi, Data Ganj Shakar and Dr Iqbal mentioned by author with the intention to inculcate love and affection with these great friends of Allah. Waging a war against these is like waging it against Allah. In all the 129 articles of the book we find comprehensive and simple words alongside poetic couplets making them extraordinarily beautiful. A reader feels himself compelled to go through all the articles written artistically by Maqbool Ferozi. It depicts his thorough study of Dr Iqbal, Moulana Rumi, Hafiz Sheerazi and Sheikh Ahmad Sarhandi ra which has helped him to create these nicely written articles. I recommend every Urdu and mystic scholar to go through this extraordinary gift of Maqbool Ferozi to reap maximum benefits.
Writer is a columnist hailing from Qazigund Kashmir.