GNK English News Desk
07 July 2023
Feminera 2023: A Celebration of Women Poets
Dr. Mani Kant, Associate Professor, Department of English, Madhav Science P.G. College, Ujjain, M.P. India
PLCS organised Feminera-2023 on 25th June which was a celebration of women poets. In this program of poetry Sylvia Beverly “Lady Di” (as she is known) from the USA was the Guest of Honour. This program was dedicated to Danny Wengert – as we all know that men and women complete each other, so Strong Women are supported by Strong Men. We salute all those Strong Men who support us, inspire us and are our Guiding Star.

We had a galaxy of Poets participating from various parts of the World. Dr. Shamenaz (Founder & President) inaugurated the event and introduced the Convenor – Annette Tarpley (USA), the Co-convenor – Sweta Kumari (Bihar, India) and the Organising Secretary Prof. Mani Kant (Ujjain, India). Dr. Shamenaz informed that PLCS is committed to providing a platform to women around the world. The participants were also informed that the program was dedicated to Annett’s father- Danny Wengert- on his birthday. She told the gathering that it was Danny who inspired Annette to shape into a strong woman. Annette paid tribute to her father and recited a poem- “I will always be Daddy’s Girl” which portrayed the bonding between a father and daughter.

The Guest of Honour, Sylvia Beverly (USA) was then introduced by Annette. Sylvia spoke about women in general, a poem ‘One Kiss, One Smile’ was recited by her. Sylvia expresses her joy to be a part of such a wonderful gathering of women poets. Prof. Mani Kant welcomed the gathering.
The poetesses were then invited by the convener and co-convenor Shweta to recite their composed poems. Dr Nalini Tandon (USA/ India) who is a physician read out her poem “Stitching the Time” Elizabeth Castillo (Philippines) read a poem from her book- Inner Reflections”, Til Kumari Sharma (Nepal)- “Female Freedom” Irene Sabetta (Italy) dedicated her poem “Sisters” to women, Priya Lakshmi Gorgio (Assam, India)- “Beyond the Cleavage”- a poem which was on the power of womanhood and about those who degrade women. Shalini Yadav (Rajasthan, India) touched the burning topic- “Housemaids” which describes the tough life of a maid, Neerja Sachdeva (USA, India) “On Skyscrapers”, Vandana Tripathi (Tamil Nādu/ India) read out a poem in Hindi on “NAARI” i.e., Women, Jayashree Sangeet Rao (Maharashtra, India) recited it in Marathi- “BOLTE MAUN” in which she describe how a woman expresses everything just with her eyes, without speaking anything, Marilyne Bertocini (France), Gulmira (Uzbekistan) –“ Modesty”, Sarita Naik (Odisha, India)-“Women of Stand” , Iliana Ventura (Spain) read out a poem “Hope”, Noreen Dunai (Meghalaya, India), who is a budding poetess, recited her new poem-“She”, Tabassum Khan (U.P.,India) read out “I Wish”, Deepika Agarwal (UP, India) also dedicated a poem to her father “My Father in Heaven”, Ezza Hussain (Egypt), Deepthi Shakya (UP, India) “She” Manju Yadav (Spain, India) dedicated her poem to all women, Shamenaz (UP, India)- “Bound to Crumble” and Naureen Aziz (Karnataka,India) –“Tune”.